Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Basic Idea: Hello World!

There's a difference between living and experiencing. Most people spend the majority of their time balanced between the two desperately trying to both experience but too afraid to break the box.

Every so often someone really takes the leap of faith and honestly experiences life. Whether this means packing bags and travelling around the world; bungee jumping; buying that motorcycle they always wanted or just simply taking the chance to try for that career they always wanted.

The point is, there are a lot of ways to 'experience' life. There's only one way to just 'live life' and it's pretty darn boring.

I guess this is why I've always been fascinated by those people that are willing to do something crazy. Through caution to the wind and do something bizarre, funny, interesting or just plain excellent. For me it's the questers. Those people that pick one off the wall creedo to follow, do or die, just to add a little spice to their life. People like Danny Wallace of Yes-Man fame; or Kyle MacDonald from One Red Paperclip. People who were willing to go out and come with something awesome (or stupid) to change their lives, to give them new experiences, friends, or to just plain give them something to do. Simple, weird, out-of-the-box life-missions that seem to transport people to a whole new plane of existence. You probably have an idea of what I’m talking about. “Enslaved by Ducks”, my mom’s personal favorite? Or Seen “Improv Everywhere” do it’s thing? Julie and Julia? Unplugged? Supersize me? There was even a guy who went an entire year without spending any money what-so-ever, living off the land and making everything he needed in order to prove personal impact on the world and the economy.

                These are totally normal people, who were leading pretty normal lives before, one day, they stood up and said “I’m not satisfied with this” or “Something is wrong” or at the very least “That could be a few laughs”. And they went for it. Some tiny little idea lodged into their brain and they just had to confront it. Well, it’s started to lodge in mine.
                I have seen and read every one of these stories, living through them somewhat vicariously but with an increasing need to go on a quest of my own. I want to do something with me life. Something, perhaps mundane, a little ridiculous, but something I’ll remember for a long time. Or at least something that I can nod and smile about and say “Hey, I know what that’s like, man.”
Calendar Girl is my response.

I want to experience life. I want to learn about other people and other ways of life. I want to do something good, something really cool, or at least something with what I have.

Here's the goal. Every month from now until the end of this experiement will be driven by a single idea. Whether it's something to raise awareness, or just to experience a different way of living. And you gotta give me suggestions! Give me ideas! Send 'em my way!

1 month. 1 Quest into the world of a Funtentialist. For as long as possible.

Bring it.

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